Freedom Travel alliance is pleased to announce its partnership with Silverite. In our quest to divest from tyranny and invest in freedom – we highlight businesses whose core values align with ours and who believe a strongly as we do in the rights of people to hold their freedoms of choice. Thank you for being a part of our community!

Freedom Travel Alliance exists to honor the rights of people to move and travel freely without hindrance or discrimination.
With over 20 years of success in professional marketing, media, branding and management operations experience in all phases of business development for non-profit and private sector companies; Lisa has dedicated her talents to aligning herself and her products to causes that are making a difference. Lisa believes the entrepreunurial freedoms in our country have led to a vibrant “economy with purpose”. Ms. Hill believes in conscious marketing where the consumer purchases from companies and owners who align themselves with personal convictions. As an “extreme health advocate ” she has created products which also create change in our personal environments; such as functional fabrics which encourage us to “live clean, sleep clean” and have overall peace of mind. Lisa is excited to be a sponsor of Freedom Travel Alliance .
“The time has come in which we, as companies and consumers, HAVE to support those who have a calling in their lives and are taking a stand for those who cannot. Travel is an essential part of FREEDOM and we must support this organization (FTA) at all costs.” – Lisa Hill
Change Your Pillow,
Change Your Life!
The first silver-infused, Kapok pillow for home, travel and pets.
Each Silverite piece is created using natural fabrics and fibers for your ultimate comfort while traveling and at home. Using ground breaking technology, silver has been infused into each Silverite piece for the “Peace of Mind” experience at all times.
NATURALLY ANTIMICROBIAL, HYPOALLERGENIC, AND DUST-MITE RESISTANT – Our pillow is designed to maximize comfort and support to provide a restful night’s sleep.
NATURE’S PERFECT DESIGN – Our pillow has No Dangerous Chemicals or No Harmful Foams. Provides Natures’s Perfect Design for YOU.
Fits Every-BODY, Every-TIME – Our pillow is the self tailored fit pillow for your Personal Comfort. It is soft yet supportive for a perfect night sleep.